Monday, March 23, 2009

Lawyers...Meet The Electronic Transcript

In law school, they should have had a class on how to handle paperwork, how to get rid of paperwork, how to deal with paperwork... we could go on and on. Paperwork is already overwhelming in the legal profession so adding paper deposition transcripts on top of everything else can leave a lawyer staring at a wall of deposition transcripts and trying to figure out how in the world will they find a certain key testimony. And then there are the deposition summaries, though handy, they can still be an annoyance.

Welcome to 2009, the age where electronic deposition transcripts are an option that any credible court reporting agency should offer. If you choose the right agency you can have a edited deposition sent directly to your inbox which is not only indexed, but also key word searchable. No more digging through paper work, just search for what you are looking for and voila!

For example, do you want to know exactly where a witness talked about crossing the street and seeing a red truck run the red light trying to flee the crime scene? Just type in "red truck" or "red truck red light" and find it instantly as well as print out that specific part of the testimony.

So electronic transcripts can come in handy... but how do they work? It's actually not as difficult as you may have imagined. Next week we'll cover the subject in detail.

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Rosalie Kramm said...

One of the great features of getting a pdf transcript is it is searchable, and typically court reporting firms are sending the transcript along with a condensed and word index, both in pdf. The easier it is for attorneys to search transcripts, the more efficient they can be. The pdf is a great standard for receiving transcripts.

Leigha said...

PDF is a great way of receiving transcripts. Also, Min-U-Script is also a great way to receive an electronic transcript.

rileybrooklyn said...

I liked your post. Keep posting interesting matters here.

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Kim Neeson said...

I am still surprised to hear lawyers and paralegals indicate that they either a) can't get a transcript is a useable electronic format; b) don't receive a word list; and c) don't have a choice of electronic formats. This blog really does make a good point - choose a court reporting firm who can deliver all of the above and that it is a standard service.

Court Reporting said...

Thanks For share this information this type of The pdf is a huge typical for in receipt of transcript.keep posting

Dave said...

Check us out at

We offer E-Transcripts along with PDF and many other formats.

court reporting agency said...

This is one of the greatest thing that has been invented in the court reporting agency field. I appreciate it a lot! I hope that they can also apply this to different fields so that we can lessen the papers all over the office.

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